So, you want to be really cool, huh! You want all your friends
to see the amazing brand new DivX CD that you made yourself. Neither is
this any ordinary DVD rip done by someone who has just learnt how to press
that large GO button on FlasKMPEG =). No, this is something special! It
looks just like a real DVD yet it fits two hours onto a single 650 MB
CD! It lets you choose another language to listen to. It lets you choose
as may subtitle languages as you like! It has a detailed chapter list,
so you can jump to your favorite section just like in a commercial DVD!
When you put the CD in it loads up an animated menu allowing you to select
all these features. In fact, if someone didn't know any better they probably
wouldn't even be able to tell that your film wasn't a real DVD! Well,
if you do not already know how to make such a CD yet you're in luck, because
I'm going to take you through the whole process step by step.
All of these things can be done with the most excellent
MicroDVD Player. And this isn't just for DivX movies you can do it with
just about any video format your computer can play, VCD, ASF, SVCD, MJPEG
and so on. The only downside is you can only play them on your PC.
In actuality this is a simple "put it all together" kind
of tutorial. I am assuming you already know how to rip a DVD to DivX and
have one. I also assume you know how to get subtitles for your DVD and
I already assume you can extract a secondary audio track for intergration
into your multimedia CD. If not just follow the guides that explain how
to do all this.
To make MicroDVD play your extra audio tracks, subtitles
and everything else, you must make a text file with an .ini extension.
MicroDVD will read this text file to know what to do with them. This .ini
file is similar to the .ifo file of a normal DVD. Locutus has been kind
enough to create a program called INI Editor which has some very nice
features. But I find it less confusing to write it out as a text file
first and then use the editors advanced features later. Either way, once
I show you my method you can do it anyway you like.
Lets make an INI file! Much of the following is covered
in greater detail in the instruction of MicroDVD Player so I'll just go
over the main points briefly. A typical INI file looks like the following
list. This is again the .ini from the film The Mummy and has only been
set out to support the features I am using in this tutorial. If you don't
use any feature just don't add it to the text file. All MicroDVD text
files start with the title [Micro DVD Ini File]
in square brackets. Notice also that that there are other headings. [MAIN]
deals with the CD opening info. [MOVIE]
describes the movie location. [LANGUAGES]
describes where each secondary sound file is kept. [SUBTITLES]
describes where each subtitle file is kept. And [CHAPTERS]
describes how the chapters are divided.
Just so you know, this is what a quite complex ini file
looks like:
[Micro DVD Ini File]
Title=The Mummy
CD name Delay=1
Primary=ENG English
1=COM Commentary
1=ENG English
1=0 Chapter 1
2=9251 Chapter 2
3=16228 Chapter 3
4=31294 Chapter 4
5=39061 Chapter 5
6=49578 Chapter 6
7=58944 Chapter 7
8=66349 Chapter 8
9=72366 Chapter 9
10=77658 Chapter 10
11=96475 Chapter 11
12=106561 Chapter 12
13=118049 Chapter 13
14=121468 Chapter 14
15=130295 Chapter 15
16=140406 Chapter 16
17=148010 Chapter 17
18=157690 Chapter 18
19=168499 Chapter 19
It looks scary, but its more or less just a list of stuff and where to
find it. Once you know what to put you will be fine. For full details
of all additional features you can have in an .ini, file please refer
to the MicroDVD help pages provided with the program.
Writing Your Own INI File
Open notepad or any text editor and lets write your .ini
file. Start with the first section:
Title=The Mummy
Title= call this whatever you like, its not important. When
you put your CD in this will be the title of your film.
ID= any number you like. Each CD must have an separate ID
number so that MicroDVD can identify it.
Delay=1 Just use 1. This is how many seconds MicroDVD will
wait to change chapters. A second is good to give it time to play
CDNumber=1 If it is the second CD of the film put =2 and
so on. Each separate CD must have its own INI file to help stop confusion.
Directory= this is the location of the movie .avi file on
your CD. If you just bundle everything on the CD put a full stop mark
(.) as shown.
AVIName= this is the location of the movie .avi file on your
CD. If you just bundle everything on the CD put a full stop mark (.)
as shown.
AVIName= tell it the location of the main film ie. something.avi.
If it is inside a folder on the CD call it AVIName=\foldername\something.avi.
CD1Frames= This is only needed if your movie
is put on two or more CD's. You must put the number of frames from
each movie after this option. It is needed to keep audio and subtitles
in synch. Finding the frame number to enter is easy: just open VirtualDub,
move to the last frame of each CD movie and write down the frame number!
Primary=ENG English
1=COM Commentary
Directory= this is the location of the secondary audio track
on your CD. If it is inside a folder on the CD call it Directory=\foldername\something.wav
MultipleAudioAVI=0 advanced function just leave it 0.
Primary= ENG English just keep this as English if your main
.avi movie is in English, its the default language. If it was German,
for example you'd put GER German. It
actually doesn't matter what you put its just a name ;). The first
three letters are the abbreviation for the whole word.
1=COM Commentary Each extra audio track is given a number
and a name so '1=COM Commentary' is the audio track with The Mummy
Director's commentary. It doesn't matter what you call it though.
File= is the location of the file which I called comment.wav.
If it was inside a folder on the CD call it File=\foldername\comment.wav.
Each language should be numbered with the file location just under
each number thusly:
1=COM Commentary
2=FRE French
3=GER German
1=ENG English
Directory= Same as with other examples. It is the location
of the folder that the subtitles are kept in. If there is no folder
simply put a full stop (.) as shown.
Format= Just keep it 0. MicroDVD supports three other kinds
of subtitles SubMagic, SubRip and SubViewer by putting in 1, 2, or
3 you can select the format.
Lines= How many lines will the subtitles take up? One line
at the bottom, two or three? Just put the amount here.
EstimateDisplayDuration=0 Keep this as 0 unless you have
made your own subtitles which require a set time (see MicroDVD instructions
for details of this).
1= and File= is exactly like the Languages section
the number is the language name and the file directly below it is
the location ie:
1=ENG English
2=FRE French
3=GER German
If you are testing your subtitles they will only appear in full screen
mode in MicroDVD. Also, you cannot put the subtitle text files inside
another folder if you want it to be compatible with Redz DivX Player.
2 CD Subtitles
Because there are tools designed to chop up subtitles and renumber the
time codes people think this is nessasery for MicroDVD - it is not! Just
copy the full subtitles text file onto both CD's. MicroDVD knows
its the second CD and so will go to where it left off.
Testing the INI File
Okay, we are nearly finished ;) save your text file as "MDVD.INI"
including quotation marks to force the computer to save it as .ini rather
than .ini.txt! This name is important as it is the one MicroDVD looks
for on the CD. If all has gone well this .ini will work on your new DivX
or whatever CD. Lets test it now! Make a new folder on your hard drive
for all the files in your movie, I called mine 'mummy' because it is a
DVD rip of the movie The Mummy. Open MicroDVD player and press the configuration
button (1). Up pops the following
box. Select the 'Source' button at the top to bring up the directory selection.
Select the 'Load from Directory' option (2)
and select the file MDVD.INI. Close the configuration box.
Now click the spiral button (4) until
the DVD HardDisk icon appears in the far left display (5).
Now press the play button to preview your movie. Left click the mouse
once so the MicroDVD player control appears but the film remains in full
screen mode. Then press the subtitles button (6)
and select your subtitles. Then press the alternate language to test that
(7). If all goes well you should be
smiling =), if not look over your notes again and check the MicroDVD instructions
for a more detailed description on the settings of your .ini file.
Getting the Chapters from a DVD Vob File
The chapters for a DVD film are held in the .ifo file on
the CD. The main film of a DVD looks something like this:
For details on DVD structure take a look at my basic DVD structure article
in the appendix section.
These have to be extracted and converted first by Vobsnoopy
and then by MicroDVD's INI editor. Run Vobsnoopy and Open the first .ifo
file of the movie list. There will be other .ifo files in the DVD but
choose the one that matches the .Vob files of the movie; it will look
something like Vts_0x_0.ifo.
Anyway, choose: File > Open.
Hit the extract button and only check the box that says
'Disassemble *.IFO file to *.INI File' and save it somewhere.
Now is the time to run the MicroDVD INI Editor. Just in
case you missed it, its located in the MicroDVD folder when you downloaded
it, its called: INIEditor.exe. If you haven't
got it go to the MicroDVD website and get it.
Open the new .ini file that we have already previously made
in notepad.
Up pops this box. Don't worry, it is little more than a
normal text editor with helpful options. Everything you typed in notepad
could easily have been typed in this editor. Try clicking on the various
tabs to see how your file is broken up. Then click on the Chapters tab.
This section of the editor allows you to either create your
own chapter positions or import them. We are going to import the file
we have just extracted with Vobsnoopy. Right-click the mouse in the chapters
window and select the option from 'Import chapter starts from IFO file'.
Choose the frames per second of your DivX, VCD or MiniDVD
in the import box. This is usually 23.976 for a NTSC DivX .avi file and
25 for PAL. You may also try 29.970. Basically, if the chapters don't
quite start in the right place try grabbing them again with a new framerate.
Once done press OK.
Up pops your chapter time codes =). You can rename them
here if you wish so that it describes the section of the film the chapter
When you are finished, go to File
> Save. That's it! Open MicroDVD again and check that it jumps
to the chapters you have made and also so it lists them as designed.
That's all for this tutorial. If you are feeling brave you
can go to the next one and learn to create menus and the such like.
As I said before, the MicroDVD's help file is very well written
so I do not need to spend too much time explaining each function
in detail. But if you followed everything I said step by step you
will now understand how it works.
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